Holme Manor | Residential Care Home located in Rawtenstall


Frequently Asked Questions

Below is a list of the questions we get asked most frequently about your stay or life at Holme Manor. Click on the Questions below to reveal the answer.

Our frees range from £750.00 and £950.00 depending on a pre-admission assessment.

Yes we do. If a person is funded by the local authority a third party would be responsible for paying the shortfalls in the fees.

Our fees include everything required to keep residents comfortable well cared for and in a safe environment.

Residents would need their own funds which are kept in the safe for hairdressing and podiatry services.

Yes we do. We provide first class care with experience and compassion. Our specialist dementia care is designed specifically to enhance the quality of life for our residents. All our residents live together in Holme Manor we do not have separate units.

83% of the rooms have en-suites or shared bathrooms.

Yes we do. We provide a full and varied activities programme for all our residents. A huge range of activities are provided including, outings, entertainers, bingo, arts and crafts, large events and gatherings, board games, jigsaws, ipads, film afternoons, knitting, gardening, exercises and much much more. All our residents are encouraged to take part. 1:1 activities are always provided too. Take a look at our picture gallery.

Most definitely. This is always encouraged as long as there are no medical reasons that might prevent this. We do have a number of wheelchairs that can be borrowed also.

Holme Manor operates a 24 hour open door policy. But for information:

— Breakfast: 8.30 – 9.30 am
— Lunch: 12.15 – 1.15 pm
— Tea: 4.00 – 5.00 pm

Yes. A little pampering makes everyone feel good, which is why our hairdresser is on site every fortnight on a Tuesday. She offers a full range of services including cutting, blowdry, sets and perms. Both for ladies and gentlemen.

Chiropody can be organised they visit every 6 weeks but also you can keep your private chiropodist if you prefer just let the office know when they will be visiting.

Residents would need their own funds which are kept in the safe for hairdressing and podiatry services.

Yes most definitely. Each resident has an individual care plan, which includes food choices and dietary needs. We work closely with the our residents and will also consult family and friends to find out likes and dislikes. Residents can choose from several options at each mealtime.

We also cater for specific dietary needs including soft or pureed, diabetic and allergenic, vegetarian and individual requirements. We work hard to ensure our menus are balanced and nutritious and meals are provided on site using fresh ingredients every day. Take a look at our menu boards to see the days choices

Of course, but please be aware, that it may not be possible to accommodate large items of furniture. Residents bedrooms are furnished and cover all basic needs but we always encourage residents to bring something of their own to personalize their room and to help them settle in and feel more at home.

Still have questions to ask?

Please contact the home direct and staff will be happy to help. Better still pop in to see us. No appointments needed.